The scale of our golf course, along with the diverse wildlife and landscape features it sustains, comes with a significant environmental responsibility. As stewards of the land, HHGC is committed to ongoing improvements to enhance ecological diversity and safety. Trees play a vital role in maintaining this balance. However, with several reaching the end of their lifespan and posing potential hazards, we had to remove 47 earlier this year.
Recognising the importance of replanting, we established a valuable partnership with the Woodland Trust, securing a contract for 420 trees, including Oak, Silver and Downy Birch, Rowan, Hazel, Cherry, Crab Apple, Hawthorn, Blackthorn, and Dogwood. We are hopeful that this collaboration will continue in the years ahead.
Additionally, we have purchased 300 hedge-variety trees to strengthen the course’s perimeter security and further support local wildlife.
Beyond enhancing the course’s natural beauty, these new plantations will contribute—however modestly—to combating global warming, reducing our carbon footprint, and, in time, adding new challenges to the game itself.
All 720 trees have been planted with the generous voluntary support of many members. A heartfelt thank you to everyone who took part